Saturday, March 24, 2018

What A Week

     It's been yet another odd and trying week as humanity takes its final gasps before the virus that we are is flushed away by the planet's immune system.
     The last male Northern White Rhino died.  The animal has been hunted and poached down to a few remaining females.  Way to go humans.  The only hope for the species is a jar of frozen rhino jizz and there shouldn't be much hope for that since science is a dirty word all of a sudden.  Hopefully the freezer is plugged into a sturdy enough plug strip and not one of those 99 cent ones that crap out after a few days.
     The first two days of Spring greeted Pittsburgh with ten inches of snow which ripped my shoulders to shreds by trying to get it out of my driveway.  And in other weather related news, some genius posted something on line about how the “Jews” control the weather.  As if they weren't busy enough controlling Hollywood and the international banking system, now they can make it rain on Nazi parades.
     The terrorist that was setting off bombs all over Austin, TX blew himself up just before being apprehended.  The really strange thing is how the media and the authorities have somehow avoided calling him a terrorist.  Oh wait, that's not strange at all.  It's because he's white which means he was troubled and needed help.  The word “terrorist” is reserved for brown people who pray to Allah even though an entire city was terrorized for a few weeks and his targets seem to have been racially motivated to some extent.  I guess if you start calling a white person a terrorist it might start to chip away at the narrative of white supremacy that runs to the foundation of this country.
     And while I'm on the topic of white supremacy, 45 is now involved in multiple lawsuits over nondisclosure agreements with two porn stars after having affairs with them.  Could you imagine the uproar that this would have caused with our previous president?  Those Tea Party dipshits would have been so enraged they might have actually used a dictionary before making their signs before all twelve of them would show up for a fake rally.  The most disturbing part of the story is that he told both women that they were so beautiful they reminded him of his daughter.  This is more evidence that the highest elected official in this country wants to have sex with his daughter.  Excuse me while I gag on my coffee.  At this point in my life, I think the only way I would ever sign an NDA is if it involved being able to see Avengers: Infinity War immediately.
     While 45 was busy putting the silver spoon back in his mouth so he could be shockingly silent over these lawsuits, he found time to call his boss to congratulate him on winning a rigged election. It's kind of hard to field an opposition candidate when Putin is the only one with the authority to determine who gets on the ballot and that's when he's not busy having journalists and vocal opponents murdered.  The footage of balloons being placed in front of the security camera to conceal the stuffing of a ballot box was only topped by the footage of the woman who didn't care if anyone saw her jam a stack ballots into the box.
     And if giving Putin an “ataboy” wasn't enough, 45 felt that John Bolton needed to be brought back into our lives.  An architect of the Iraq war is now going to be National Security Advisor instead of being in prison.  Bolton has spent the past few years screaming and yelling about how we need to go to war with Iran.  We've been fucking up the Middle East since the end of World War II so what's one more war?  The Iraq war never ended and we're already helping the proxy war along in Yemen so let's go into Iran.  Do these pigfuckers not understand that the average citizen will do the fighting and dying?  They do but they don't care.  45 wants to start a war because he thinks it will help with his popularity.  He also thinks that a war will get the media off his back because the corporate media won't criticize a wartime president.
     I thought it was safe to go to sleep on Friday night but then I checked the news Saturday morning and 45 started pushing his ban on transgender personnel in the military.  This coward's fear of the “other” knows no bounds.
     And in school shooting news, there was another one in Maryland this week.  Early reports said that the shooting was over a girl.  As much as I hate the Smiths and the Cure, if someone would have put them in his ears instead of a gun in his hands, there may have been a different ending to this story. He may have stayed in bed for month or become a frequent Hot Topic shopper but at least everyone would still be alive.
     The March For Our Lives was earlier today.  George Orwell wrote in 1984 that there was hope in the proles but I am starting to see that the last reserves of hope in our species can be found in the youth.  Forward progress has always been brought about by youth movements.  My faith in humanity has always been on the level of scrapings at the bottom of a barrel but being in the streets of Pittsburgh today and watching replays of the march in DC, my angry pessimism might be a little closer to angry optimism.  Hope is for fools.  It's toil and legwork that gets things done.  Today we march, tomorrow we vote.
     This week was another ride on a broken rollercoaster but at least it will end with the Southwest themed Onion Maiden pop up tomorrow.

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