Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Hmmm... Where Did I Leave My Guillotine?

     Beings that I am a well known and notorious party animal, last Saturday night I could be found rocking out with my calculator at home doing my taxes.  That's how I roll with my life of excitement.
     Even with my usual charitable donations to Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, among others, my refund came up about $500 lighter than it usually is.  One new wrinkle was that job expenses, such as union dues and costs of uniforms, can no longer be claimed as deductions.  Other credits were smaller than in past years as well and will probably get smaller in upcoming years.
     This is proof that the pigfucker tax cut that was passed a few years ago was complete bullshit.  I only ended up with an extra ten dollars in my paycheck and now my tax refund is a third smaller than it has ever been.
     That extra ten dollars in my paycheck has been more than lost to the yearly increases in health insurance costs that get sucked out of my check.  I am hanging onto the middle class by my finger nails and, along with a lot of other people, am forced to bear the brunt of this system of corporate socialism that prevents us from living lives that are more than being a cog in their machine.
     I guess I missed the meeting where it was decided that our Capitalist overlords needed to somehow be more comfortable.  The snake oil of trickle down economics never seems to go away no matter how many times it's been proven to not be beneficial to the working class.  That's not to say that it doesn't work.  Trickle down economics works exactly as designed.  The wealthy pay less in taxes and then put that money in their pockets.  That's it.  The snake oil part of the equation was when everyone bought the lie where they were supposed to hire more people and redistribute this money to us underlings.  As if a greedy pigfucker was going to spend money that they didn't need to.
     And it's only going to get worse for everyone.  Fuckface Von Clownstick's latest budget proposal contains cuts to every social program and government department that helps us look after our fellow humans.  But of course there will be more money allotted for military spending, wall building and forcing things in Space.
     Recently, Pete Buttigieg stopped speaking in empty platitudes that made no sense just long enough to claim that union workers would lose their health insurance plans under Medicare For All.  And he said this as if it were a bad thing.
     My wages have stagnated over the past twenty years due to the cost of health insurance.  I have damn near $100 a week taken out of my paycheck to pay for it.  And I'm sure other people have more taken out.  Imagine how much weight would be taken off of our collective shoulders if we had that money in our bank accounts instead of it going to Highmark or UPMC.
     What the mayor of Podunk, Indiana is trying to do is conflate health insurance with healthcare in order to scare people away from Medicare For All.  They are two different things and he is lying.  I'm sure that some of his corporate masters that are funding his campaign are executives from the insurance industry which would be no surprise.
     This is being said with a straight face to make people think that they are having the ability to choose taken away from them.  The other side of that coin is that it's a choice people should never have had to make in the first place.
     The past several contract negotiations that my union has been involved with all had extremely regressive company proposals that would have destroyed the lives of the rank and file.  Once the union agreed that the membership would pay more in insurance contributions, the company took all of those proposals off the table.  Labor could make larger gains for their members if they weren't tied down over the cost of health insurance.
     One of the other lies about Medicare For All is that all of the employees that process claims and work at call centers would all lose their jobs when private insurance companies are no longer needed. There will be a need for claims processors and call center workers when Medicare For All is up and running.  Except this time they will potentially be union government jobs with pensions and other benefits that a private company would never agree to.  The main difference will be in not ruining someone's day by denying a claim because a form was incorrectly filled out.
     As for the cost of Medicare For All, who gives a shit.  I'm tired of all of these so called Christians refusing to alleviate the suffering of their fellow man because we might have to cut the part of the budget that pays for the cages that we keep the children in.  If my tax dollars went to actually helping people and would prevent them from losing their house because they got sick instead of blowing up brown people with robots on the other side of planet, I would be perfectly fine with that.
     How is it possible that after all these years people still don't want to come to grips with the fact that the profit motive behind private insurance leads to them never wanting to pay a claim because it cuts into their profits.  The Red Scare bullshit from the 1950s worked way too well and was then used as a cover for insurance companies to make money.  Wanting everyone in the country to be able to go to a doctor without going broke somehow became the equivalent to screaming “Death To America!!!” If the con was that easy to pull off, no wonder education budgets always get cut.  Keep people stupid, keep them from thinking, keep them in line.
     And of course filling out paperwork, arguing on the phone all day with the insurance company and paying copays for every office visit is the perfect prescription for someone that is sick.  Nothing makes me feel better than trying to force a company do the thing that they are paid to do.  What would people do with all of that extra time on their hands?  That's right, they would recuperate.
     This system of sucking every last penny out of the pockets of the working class and less fortunate is not sustainable and is very close to imploding.  It has used our labor against us and will spit us out when we are no longer viable.  We will all be held upside down by our ankles and shaken until all of the loose change has fallen out of our pockets.
     Maybe it's time to bring back the guillotine.

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