Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Cycle Never Stops

     The war drums are beating again so get your marching shoes out and get ready to shut down traffic.  This time around, Iran's oil is on the menu and a new generation of children are going to be the currency used to pay for it.
     Having not learned a lesson since 2001, or willfully ignoring those lessons, the same crop of bullshit artists, con-men and hucksters that helped put forth the lies that led to the Iraq war are now pushing us to the brink with Iran.  There is a difference in the run up this time around.
     In 2003, the war criminals involved at least tried to show some level of creativity with the backstory they concocted to justify their lies.  We could all sit back and say, “That is some artfully crafted bullshit you have there.  But bullshit nonetheless.”  There was real effort put into the line of garbage that was fed to the media which they in turn took as fact so as to not lose their access to hobnobbing with the powerful.
     These days, we're saddled by an administration that has a very dubious relationship with the truth and will charge ahead with any bad idea regardless of any evidence to the contrary.  They don't even bother trying to have a cover story to go along with the awful things they do.  They are of the opinion that they're in charge and can do what they want and you can suck it.
     The media is still taking these pigfuckers at their word and not challenging them on their lack of evidence.  Every incident that occurs and increases tension comes with its own set of conflicting reports to cast doubt upon the administration's account of events.  There is no reason to believe a single bit of information put forth by these scumbags due to their multiple Orwellian attempts to rewrite history and current events over the pettiest of details.
     It's not that they don't take into consideration that there are things such as audio and video recordings that appear with the most basic of internet searches that will pop their delusional balloons. It's that they don't care.  All contrary evidence is declared as false and they get on with their day as if nothing happened.  They keep perpetrating the fraud while everyone else is left spinning into a debate whether said fraud actually took place and what words should be used to describe it.  Pigfuckery is pigfuckery and should be called exactly what it is.
     Back in 2003, it was the younger end of my generation that was sent off to die.  Unless someone's chain gets pulled and he's brought to heel, this potential conflict will last long enough for my daughter’s generation to come home in buckets.  All for nothing.  Well, nothing that makes any sense.
     The current Secretary of State claims to be an Evangelical Christian.  Last I checked, these folks believe bringing about Armageddon is a good thing.  For a job that involves diplomacy, I think that should have disqualified him during the interview.  Starting a war to kick off the end of the world so everyone’s imaginary best friend comes back seems to be a bit of flawed logic to me.  As much as the world ending is not very appealing, I would love to see these shitheads standing in a pile of rubble waiting for something to happen and it never does.  The looks on their faces would be priceless when they'd see that all of the destruction and death was for nothing.  This is as silly as my hope that all of their Armageddon bullshit would eventually lead to the Planet Of The Apes.
     A few years ago, I was going back and forth between old clips of the Dick Cavett Show and Meet The Press.  I can't remember who was on the panel but the words have stuck with me since.  One of the guests said something along the lines of the United States needing a Department of Peace to coincide with the Department of Defense.  Another panelist said that we already did have a Department of Peace and that it was called the State Department.  Unfortunately, all of the really smart people that worked in the State Department were either fired or quit in 2017 because anyone who had ever heard or said the name Barack Obama was purged from the government.
     We are in real trouble here and other than “We are fucked,” I am at a loss for words when it comes to how this might play out.  A lot of people said that we were overreacting when those of us started sounding the alarm back in 2016 about how gross this carnival barker was.
     Once again, we've got concentration camps spreading across our country.  We are rounding people up because of the color of their skin.  Fuck semantics and terminology.  They are concentration camps.  Plain and simple.  If anyone tries to debate the fact that these things are concentration camps, maybe they should shut the fuck up and read a history book.
     Women are seen as servants or property that shouldn't have rights over their own bodies.  People who are different are openly attacked verbally and physically.  Sometimes to the most violent of ends.
     Our “great” leader has just added another name to the long list of women that have accused him of being a rapist.  Because of the preexisting whirlwind of bullshit that we are caught up in, this was news for maybe five minutes.  And I'm sure nothing will be done about it.
     This barrage of garbage people is exhausting.  Not an hour goes by without some sort of calamity occurring and there are still way too many people that close their eyes to it all and follow along blindly.
      We are fucked.

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