Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Tale Of Two Shows

     I managed to get out of the house on a school night on Tuesday, 2/19/2019.  I ventured out to the Mr. Smalls Theater to witness Bob Mould, one of my punk rock heroes, throw down.
     Due to the weather, instead of standing outside in the cold, I decided to check out the cafe that has been opened in the basement of the building.  After reading the menu board, I had intentions of ordering the impossible burger but was told that I was unable to do so because it was Tuesday.  I was then handed a cardboard menu with a few different taco-like items to choose from.  In all my life, I never thought that the words “Fuck taco Tuesday” would ever form in my brain.  At least the coffee still came in a cup instead of a tortilla.
     As I sat there waiting for two overpriced tofu tacos to be cooked up, two other people came in from the cold and ordered drinks.  They were a well dressed couple in their mid-fifties.  For whatever reason, the male decided that he needed to give the two employees a heaping pile of verbal shit.  I guess he thought he was cool because he was hanging out at a club on a school night waiting to see Bob Mould.  I don't know what his deal was and neither did his wife.  She was visibly embarrassed and kept her eyes focussed squarely on the bar in front of her and did not look up until they left.  I hope she knows that it's never too late to get a divorce.  Sadly, this guy was just a small taste of the dipshit buffet that I was about to encounter.
     The crowd could best be described as a pudgy, balding, white sausage fest.  For those who are worried that white guys are going extinct, you should have been at Mr. Smalls that night.  It was like this treasure trove of stupid called a meeting or something.
     By the time the venue filled up, everyone looked like a current day Billy Joel, Marc Maron or business casual douche.  Although, I did see one of the Tommy Lee look-a-likes from Howler's back in December.
     They all stopped to look at the soundboard like they'd know what to do with it.  I had never seen such a large collection of people that all thought that they were the smartest and funniest people in the room.
     Of course I got stuck next to the geniuses that were extolling the virtues of a Deep Purple cover band for well over fifteen minutes.  Luckily, the opening act, Murder For Girls, came out and was immediately let down by the sound guy.
     I had never seen a sound guy work so hard for such miserable results.  He was turning dials and moving faders but having absolutely no affect on what I was hearing.  It was almost as if the band was only allowed to use the mains for vocals.
     Through the duration of Murder For Girls' set, the Deep Purple cover band idiots wouldn't stop running their mouths and had their backs turned to the band.  Somehow they still applauded after each song.  I almost wanted to ask them what they were applauding since they hadn't shut up long enough to actually hear the band play.  Maybe they would have heard something they liked and learned something new that would take them beyond cover bands.  That's when I remembered that these hipster douchebags already knew everything and didn't need to hear a new band.
     Just as my patience was wearing thin, Bob Mould hit stage and almost shut these morons up.  I really couldn't tell what was happening on stage for the first five songs because one of these idiots kept leaning over right in front of me to try to read the sound engineer's set list.  His head was close enough to my face that I could have gone full Mike Tyson and bit his ear.  He finally walked around the barrier and pushed some other people out of the way in order to get a closer look at it.  I guess he was one of the growing ranks of people that thinks patience is not a virtue.
     From the looks of it, Bob Mould was full of energy and in fine voice but his guitar sound was very thin.  There was low end for days but the reason to go see Bob Mould is to hear him play guitar and there was not a bit of it in the mix.
     It was funny to see the difference between his reaction and that of the crowd when it came to the new songs versus the old songs.  He'd lean into the new material while the crowd kind of sat back, not really knowing what to do.  On the old songs, the crowd would go nuts but then Bob Mould would use those songs to almost take a breather and get ready for the next new song.  Realizing that he did have a crowd to serve while wanting to let loose on the new songs.
     Again, if it wasn't for other humans, I probably would have had a great time out of the house.  But that seems to be the great compromise these days.

*     *     *

     This past Sunday night (2/24/2019), I found myself at the Rex Theater to experience the mayhem that is the band Le Butcherettes.
     Sadly, I was among one of the few people in the area that had the same idea.  The crowd was small enough that it probably could have fit in my basement.  I'm sure if it were a Deep Purple cover band playing, the city would have come out in droves.  By the end of the night, the venue was barely at half capacity and those of us that did make the journey were given the great opportunity to witness one of the best bands that ever played music.
     Local band Dinosoul fought through a lack of sound in their monitors to turn in a great set.  Once I saw that the house engineer was the same disinterested sound guy from a now defunct club, I suddenly understood why they had such an uphill battle.  That guy was always too busy on his phone to figure out that the players in a band might need to hear each other through the monitors in order to play together.
     Dinosoul's sound is more fleshed out than the first time I heard them and now they seem to know what direction they want to head in with their post-punk darkness.  I will gladly add them to the list of bands that I will try to check out more frequently.
     Stars At Night were up next and holy shit were they a bunch of fun.  As soon as the singer said that they were from Los Angeles their approach made so much more sense to me.  The band had confidence, swagger and charisma for weeks so they were able to win the crowd over instantly.  And they definitely had a touch of the old school, pre-hardcore, LA punk influence in their sound.
     After a quick change over, singer Teri “Gender Bender” Suarez and Le Butcherettes hit the stage like Godzilla on Tokyo.  She could give Iggy Pop a run for his money for the title of most explosive singer in rock music.  Gender Bender's approach to performance is like that of a gleeful serial killer that would eat your face in a back alley while grinning from ear to ear the entire time.
     Their new album, bi/MENTAL, has been a daily listen since I got my grubby little hands on it and hearing the new songs live was a shock to the system.  “father/ELOHIM” was the stand out track on both the album and their live set.  That song is the perfect example of Le Butcherettes checking all of the boxes of what they do best.
     During “mother/HOLDS” there was a sudden screaming in the crowd.  It was the members of Stars At Night screaming along to the parts of the song that were handled on the album by punk rock legend Alice Bag.
     The current drummer in Le Butcherettes, Alejandra Robles-Luna, plays with such fury that she matches Teri Gender Bender hurricane to hurricane in order to hold it all together.  The way in which Robles-Luna attacked the song “Dress Off,” from Sin Sin Sin, was mesmerizing.  The bass player and guitar/synth player were doing their best to keep out of the way until the song was over.
     I was kicking myself for not taking my camera when I saw that there were a few other folks there taking pictures.  Instead I was stuck with taking shitty cellphone pictures the whole night.  It's a hard call to make when it's a ticketed show with a “promoter.”  I didn't feel like having some sort of altercation with the staff and end up having to walk the camera back to my car.  At least I was able to focus on the bands and not have to worry about getting enough shots in.  Maybe next time.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

A Garbage Night Saved By The Ruts

     I made the mistake of trying to go to a show about a week ago.  I had completely forgotten about “Punk Time” and the history of running behind schedule that Pittsburgh has when it comes to getting the proceedings underway at the agreed upon time.
     The flyers for the show and all of the bands involved were saying 7pm was the time to be at the venue.  When I arrived at just after 7pm, the sound guy wasn't even there yet.  This was a bad omen and I should have gotten back in the car to head home.
     The plan was to get home from day job, grab the camera bag, head to Onion Maiden for dinner and then off to the show.  I had to scratch Onion Maiden off of my list of things to do once I remembered that it was some sort of corporate holiday.   I'm sure there would have been large numbers of well adjusted people out and about.  Putting up with the behavior of “normals” enjoying each others company is something that I have no patience for.
     Although, some sort of Python-esque visuals probably would have ensued.  Visibly angry old man sitting by himself, angrily reading a book, amongst tables of oblivious millennials.  Shoveling food into his face like it was a recent invention.
     After a veggie burger and a pot of coffee, I was off to the venue.  When I walked in, the hipster “promoter” told me I was kind of early and it would be a while until the music started.  He offered no reply when I mentioned the 7pm start time.
     The only band that was present was the band from out of town and they weren't able to set up due to the lack of a sound engineer.  The other to bands on the bill were local and nowhere in sight.
     By 7:30, the sound guy was there and sluggishly laying cable as if he would rather be doing something else.  By 8pm, one of the local bands showed up and promptly started to get liquored since they were going on second.  8:45 rolled around and the opening band finally decided to make an appearance.
     That band couldn't figure out how their equipment worked and was taking forever and a day to set up.  My patience was completely gone.  I bailed and was home by 9:30.  No music and no pictures but an ass load of frustration.
     Luckily, just before I ventured out for this shit show of an evening, the mailman dropped off the 40th anniversary/remastered version of The Crack by the Ruts.  When I got home, I listened to this record repeatedly until it hurt.
     The Ruts were a second wave British punk band that existed for a very brief moment due to the passing of their singer, Malcolm Owen.  Some of the snootier music press of the time wrote the Ruts off as a clone of the Clash because of their tendency to lean toward Reggae at times.  This would be another instance of music criticism disappearing up its own asshole.  The similarities between the two bands end after British and Reggae.
     The new mastering of The Crack was done at Abbey Road studios and overseen by Segs and Ruffy, the rhythm section and surviving members of the band.  Paul Fox, the guitar player, lost a battle to cancer back in 2007.
     Since the bass player and the drummer were in the driver's seat for the remastering, those are the instruments that have the most noticeable changes.  Granted, Paul Fox's guitar tone could blister the skin so it didn't need much work even after all these years.  This wasn't a full remix of the album but some songs do sit differently on the ears after the new mastering.
     The songs “S.U.S.” and “Something That I Said” sent me back to the first time that I remember hearing them.  I was left stunned while I sat on the floor watching the record spin.  I was hearing fills and flourishes that were completely new to me even though I had listened to this record countless times before.
     Next up was to drag the old French pressing of The Crack off of the shelf and take the Pepsi challenge.  The difference between the two was night and day and a lot of that might have been the physical differences between the two records.  The old pressing was thin and flimsy which does not bode well for the low end frequencies that live deep in the grooves of a record.  The new pressing is on vinyl that is heavy enough to fend off a mugger so the range of sound is broader and the new mastering has room to move.  So I guess it's time to retire the old pressing until I bore a hole through the new copy from playing it so many times.
     Maybe next time, I'll go with my first instinct and spend time with my stereo instead of going out into the world only to get let down by bands that can't get their shit together.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

UniBear? Bearicorn? Why Do I Leave The House?

     The other day, I had one of those moments in life that made me wonder why I leave the house at all instead of ordering everything I need from Amazon.
     The house was running low on supplies such as dish soap and laundry detergent so it was time to head out to one the local suburban shopping areas to venture into a department store to participate in the dreaded Capitalism.
     In exchange for legal tender, I will be able to have clean clothes and dishes but must also pay the psychic cost of having to tolerate coddled, white suburbanites and their monstrous, ill-behaved offspring.
     Being a part of a functioning society has apparently become a lost art.  No one knows how to drive in traffic or in a parking lot.   No one knows how to not stand in front of a door so others can pass. Everyone walks around talking on their phones with ear buds so they look and sound like they're talking to themselves.  Everyone is so self-important and full of themselves that they can't see that I'm in a hurry to get away from them as fast as I possibly can.
     Children roam about the aisles knocking items from the shelves leaving a path of destruction in their wake.  Screaming at the tops of their little lungs as they go.  A beaten down parent stuck in the eye of this asshole hurricane, not realizing that they are the grown up and have the power to put a stop to the storm of petulance.
     The most trying obstacle to getting back to my stereo is always the person in line in front of me at the checkout.  It never fails.  Regardless of how uneventful putting the items in my cart may be, I have the worst luck at the cash register.  Whether it's someone that doesn't know how gift cards work or it's someone that tries to haggle over the price as if the store were in the market scene in Raiders Of The Lost Ark.  Hours of my life have been stolen by these mouth breathers.
     This time around, it was a mother with her five to six year old daughter.  I should have turned tail and ran to the longest line in the store when I saw that the kid was sitting in the baskets that people pile up under the register when they are done with them.  I saw that they were almost bagged up and ready to go so I held course.  A near fatal mistake that I immediately regretted.
     As the woman was cashing out, the child wandered off in the direction of the impulse buy rack where there was a display of Valentine's Day stuffed animals and picked one off the rack.  It was at this point that I wish I was smart enough to carry my earplugs with me at all times.
     The ensuing argument went as predicted:

“I want to take this home.”
“But I want to take this home!!!”

     Followed by the child rolling around on the floor with the stuffed animal for what felt like hours until it was pried from her clutches and returned to the shelf.
*     *     *
     I am going to pause here and attempt to describe the stuffed animal at center of this great debate.  It was a teddy bear that was made with several bright colors so it looked as if it were tie-died.  And it also had the horn of a unicorn.  All of the bears on this display were brightly colored and had the parts of other animals sewn on to them.
     This thing looked as if Dr. Moreau had taken a heroic dose of acid and tried to cross a bear with a narwal while at Build-A-Bear.  I am very curious to know what the poor kid in the Chinese sweatshop thinks of Americans after having to manufacture this abomination for pennies a day.
*     *     *
     None of this would have been an issue but the woman did not move her cart or her purchases while trying to not lose an argument to a five year old so the clerk could not start ringing up my items until this sad drama had moved along.  We both stood there shrugging our shoulders and wondering who was going to win.
     The shit show finally cleared out and my transaction was complete.  I fought the temptation to buy this horrible bearicorn for myself just so I could catch up to them in the parking lot to gloat over my new purchase.
     Scarring a child for life by going, “Ahhh-haaa!!! I've got your stupid bear thing and you don't!!! I'm an adult with a job and can buy things if I want to!!!”  Followed with a “You should have been a blow job or an abortion, you little monster, but your mother was too much of a prude.”
     I must be growing as a person.  I didn't make a frivolous purchase or verbally assault a child and her mother.  That's a sure sign of progress.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Jamie Pennisi Benefit Show--Gooski's 1/26/2019

Here are photos from the Jamie Pennisi benefit show at Gooski's on 1/26/2019.  The line up was Old Dream, Gran Gila, Zom, Killer Of Sheep, Molasses Barge and Submachine.


Molasses Barge:

Killer Of Sheep:


Gran Gila:

Old Dream:

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Maybe This Is Who We Are

     Every time some event happens in town where someone is unbelievably cruel toward their fellow human, there are always cries of “This is not who we are” or “We are better than this.”  Given the Pittsburgh area's history of intolerance, I don't think it's too far of a stretch to say maybe this is who we are and maybe we're not better then this.  When enough isolated incidents pile up in increasingly shorter amounts of time, that starts to turn into a pattern.
     For an area that is north of the Mason/Dixon line, there sure are a lot of Confederate flag stickers on trucks.  That bullshit line about it being part of someone's heritage really falls flat on its face around here due to the basic facts of geography.
     In the days following the tragedy at the Tree Of Life synagogue, white power groups were plastering the neighborhoods of Brookline and Squirrel Hill with fliers promoting their idiocy while everyone else was tweeting out quotes from Mr. Rogers.  This dirty, hateful underbelly has always been present in Pittsburgh and it's always been showing.  Most people just choose to look the other way.
     The prevailing theory around town seems to be that going to church for an hour a week absolves people from being an asshole the other 167 hours of the week.  The little things pile up until they're a mountain of hate.  A comment here, a catcall there.  They all contribute to the generally shitty attitudes and misconceptions that the misogynistic, white majority in Pittsburgh walks around with.
     Tune in to a sports call in show after a Steelers loss and start taking bets over how far into the program you get until one of the slack jawed yokels lets rip the n-word on local television or radio. There have been publicly elected officials in the area that have been forced to resign over comments they've made on social media about black players and coaches all because of a sporting event.  And this goes along with the increase of domestic violence that happens when a football team loses.
     The amount of victim blaming and denials from the public that occurred when Ben Rapistberger seemingly couldn't walk through a parking lot without sexually assaulting a woman was downright nauseating.  There was more of an uproar when the team signed Michael Vick for a season.  That gives me the impression that dogs are more important than the women in this town.
     After the murder of Antwon Rose, the local news media aided in pushing the narrative that he was armed and approaching the officer even after video had surfaced showing that that was not the case. I'm guessing they were trying to preserve their contacts within law enforcement by putting the misinformation out into the world.  During the protests that followed, drivers were attempting to jam their cars through the groups of people in the streets in order to get home to watch Dr. Phil or whatever “normals” do in their spare time.
     In the past month or so, a fourteen year old Syrian refugee was beaten up in the bathroom of her high school for wearing a hijab and having the audacity to be different.  This happened after she transferred from another school because of harassment.  This girl and her family survived the horrors of war only to have to put up with this shit because they landed in the Pittsburgh area.  After video of the assault went viral, the local news stepped in again to spread misinformation saying that the altercation was over vaping instead of being the very clear hate crime that it was.
     Most recently, Louis CK came through town on his “I'm Not Sorry I Whipped My Dick Out” tour. I was not surprised when the shows sold out almost as soon as they were announced.  In a town that seems to have forgotten that the starting quarterback on their football team is a rapist, it's not shocking that people would be climbing over each other to see this walking embarrassment try to be funny again.
     When local comedians spoke out about CK's booking in order to protect the scene they are trying to build and nurture, they were met with derision and threats.  It's strange how people are so easily willing to forget.  Either that or they really wanted to witness the potential creep show that was going to be on stage.
     The Pittsburgh area has many traditions and among them is this old guard way of thinking that has been passed down from generation to generation.  The white male power structure doesn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon.  Those who have the power will not easily relent that power even though it is propped up solely by an unearned sense of entitlement that things shouldn't change.
     There are folks out there doing the good work of trying to make things better but it certainly is an uphill battle.  Changing minds and perceptions has never been an easy task but hopefully the work will pay off in the long run.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Rock Room, 12/29/2018

Here are pictures from the Rock Room on 12/29/2018.  The line up was 9 Shocks Terror, Submachine, Blood Pressure and Scavenger Of Death.

9 Shocks Terror:


Blood Pressure:

Scavenger Of Death: