Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Office Where I Work Or Winnie The Pooh And The Pants Shitter, Too

Context:  A while back, Lewis Black had a thing called "The Rant Is Due."  People would submit their rants and he would read them at some point during his shows.  Unfortunately, most of the events that you are about to read about took place after the submission deadline but I decided to write one anyway just for the therapy.

     I work in an office for a multi-national corporation.  This office is populated by a cast of characters that no television show or film could portray accurately.  This is the reason I find no enjoyment in shows or movies set in the workplace.  In no particular order, I will try to describe some of my coworkers.
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     First, there is the woman I have dubbed Winnie the Pooh.  She is a morbidly obese, middle-aged woman.  We work in a building that was constructed around World War II so there is no elevator to the second floor, where our office space is located.  Winnie the Pooh filed a complaint for the company to accommodate her obesity by putting in a stair lift (much like the one from Gremlins) that would go from flight to flight up the stairs.  She refused to come into work until this was done.  The compromise put forth by the company to get her back to work was to build a desk/office space in the corner of the first floor conference room so she wouldn't have to walk up the steps.
     Then she filed another complaint and stopped coming to work because she claimed the stalls in the first floor women's bathroom were too small and wanted her own private bathroom.  This reminded me of the episode of South Park when Cartman pretended to be transgender so the school would have to give him a private bathroom.  The compromise this time was that the company would renovate the bathroom to make the stalls larger by going from three stalls down to two.
     When I heard this was happening, all I could do was imagine that there was some sort of Winnie the Pooh incident where she had gotten stuck in the stall and said, “Oh, bother.”  Now, when Winnie the Pooh had gotten stuck in the doorway to Rabbit's house, Rabbit having to bring in a general contractor to blow out a wall in his house wasn't part of the story.  Pooh was stuck in the doorway until he lost enough weight to make his way through.  I think if the stuffed bear had a better lawyer, it would have been a very different story.
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     That brings us to Dorf the Asshole.  Dorf the Asshole is the woman I sit next to for forty hours a week.  She is a woman so inconsiderately annoying that she must workshop material over the weekend to bring in on Mondays.  If there is a noise to make, she will make it.  From gum cracking to whistling to random mouth popping noises.  But what she is most proud of is her singing.  I'm not talking about absentmindedly singing along to a Beatles song when it comes on the radio.  I'm talking about full fledged throat clearing, with purpose, singing along to today's greatest Christian rock hits.  Add to this the fact that Dorf the Asshole's singing sounds like you had just run over a box of cats in your driveway.
     Dorf the Asshole is so skilled at being an asshole that if you politely ask her to not scream “Praise Jesus” at the top of her lungs, you become the asshole.  Show me a better Jedi trick than that.
     I am fairly certain that if I were to exclaim “Hail, Satan!!!” while listening to Slayer, I would end up having a very interesting meeting with HR.
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     Finally, there's The Pants Shitter.  On her breaks and lunch, this woman goes out jogging around the block in order to get her 10,000 steps on her fit bit.  This seems like a very positive and healthy thing for a person to do with their time.  The slight downside of this activity is that she loses control of her bodily functions while out jogging. I will give you a moment to go back and reread that last sentence...
     Yes, The Pants Shitter does just that while out running around the block hence the name The Pants Shitter.  Now, call me crazy but if I engaged in any activity that would cause me to shit my pants, I would think about no longer engaging in that activity after the first time I shit my pants.
     So I guess I'm crazy because The Pants Shitter shits her pants on a regular basis.  Nor does The Pants Shitter keep a change of clothing in her car for such incidents.  And her day to day wardrobe includes wearing a denim skirt so there isn't much available to catch the load that has been jettisoned from the airlock.
     As if this were not horrifying enough, The Pants Shitter is not very concerned with post pants shitting clean up, bringing the wonderful aroma of sweat and feces back to the office for all to enjoy. The most effort she seems to put in is in removing her shit splattered shoes, placing them on her desk and wiping them down with a dry paper towel.  I feel it is important to point out here that The Pants Shitter also eats breakfast and lunch at her desk.
     When the ongoing issue of pants shitting was pointed out to management, we were told that it was a medical issue and there was nothing that could be done about it.  Until the day management came out of its office and caught a whiff of what The Pants Shitter was cooking.  The Pants Shitter was sent home and a cleaning crew was called in.  The office chair was thrown in the dumpster, the desk was cleaned and the carpet was scrubbed.
     To this day, The Pants Shitter continues to go out jogging and shitting her pants.  The only thing that's changed is that she now has a doctor's excuse and gets to go home after shitting her pants which seems to keep happening earlier and earlier in the day.  Go figure.
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     This is why I envy anyone who has had the courage to not enter the 9 to 5 world. From artists, writers, comedians, musicians, actors and the folks that make the shows happen.  I was never brave enough to take the leap of faith in myself that is required to live life without a net.
     There is a theory that if you want to live that way, you shouldn't have a plan B.  If plan B exists in your mind, you may as well go that route to begin with and save yourself the heartbreak of failure.

 There is no greater drive to get something done than “If this doesn't work out, I have no idea what I'll do.” Otherwise twenty years of your life will go by and you'll end up working with Winnie the Pooh and The Pants Shitter, too.

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