Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Project For A New American Stupidity

    There is a lot of fear mongering going on over this “Project 2025” nonsense.  Some of it rightfully so because it is quite the frightening and dumb bunch of ideas.

    For those not familiar, “Project 2025” is a document that was put together by the farthest of far right pigfuckers.  If implemented, it would begin the dismantling of the federal government by removing the qualified people that actually know what they’re doing and replace them with appointed loyalists that have no real qualifications but who will do and say what they’re told.  For example, think of nuclear energy under the guidance of someone that’s so smart they can barely velcro their shoes but always tells the president that he’s a big strong boy who is also very handsome.  We would all somehow be collectively fucked, more so than we already are, all for a few ego strokes to placate some upper-cruster.

    “Project 2025” also contains an outline to further erode the rights of the individual and increase the “othering” that these assholes are already so good at and proud of.  This will quicken the pace of our country hurtling toward the weird mishmash of corporatocracy and white Christian Nationalism that has been infesting all levels of government over the past several decades.

    Back in 2016, none of these dipshits thought they had a chance in hell of gaining power so they were caught with their pants down when the dumbest people this rapidly failing state had to offer came out in droves to vote for a con man.  If there’s one thing the general populace of the United States loves more than deep fried diabetes it’s falling in love with an easily seen through snake oil salesman.  And if you don’t think that’s true, go ahead and ask the Mormons about half the weird shit they fell for besides the magic underpants.  Gullible Americans will believe any dickhead that says he’s here to save them and fall in lockstep behind him while he drains their wallets.

    This time around, the dipshits are coming in fully prepared with a handbook choked to the gills with their dipshittery.  After giving it a quick look, it really shows that the pigfuckers that wrote “Project 2025” never progressed beyond the mentality of a sixth grade bully.  This document is drenched with the undertones of white male supremacy, bigotry and hate all throughout.  This thing is very reminiscent of “The Project For A New American Century” that was put together by Republicans in the mid-90s.  But on steroids and with a massive head injury and written during a week long meth bender.

    A few weeks ago, John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight did an in-depth episode about “Project 2025.”  My reaction to the episode was, “Well, maybe the Democrats either need to learn how to govern or find better candidates to prevent this from happening.”  Both of which I know will never happen.  I was not surprised in the least when, in the following days, the “Vote Blue No Matter Who” crowd had their hackles in a bunch.  Their attempts to scare me into casting another vote for “Father Time” to keep the fascism away are ringing hollow.

    It feels like they’re trying to raise the alarm out of fear because their candidate is less than appealing and barely breathing.  I have already voted two too many times because “Grrr!!! Orange Man Bad!!! Errr!!!”

    By taking a cursory glance at the world around me, I hate to break it to everybody but the fascism is here and it always has been.  It varies by degrees, depending on a person’s race, gender, sexual orientation or economic status, but without a doubt the fascism is here.

    “Father Time” had two years of a majority in both houses of Congress to get things done but didn’t.  If the Democratic Party wants my vote, maybe they should run candidates of substance instead of trying to scare everyone into thinking that everything will get worse for everybody while we are actively in a downward spiral of everything getting worse for everybody.  How is repeatedly voting for the blandest, most milquetoast, intellectual lightweights going to change anything?  Especially when they change their stances whenever the money tells them to.

    The Democratic party is not weak or ineffective.  They are complicit.  If they actually went around solving the world’s problems how would they be able to fundraise off of the looming specter of evil that is constantly on the horizon?  Any time there’s a candidate that wants to actually represent the people, the monied interests in the party spend a fortune to keep them out of office or entice them to betray their principles and shut their mouths with giant piles of cash.

    Add to that the fact that any time that Democrats are in power, they acquiesce in the name of compromise and the far right gets whatever they want anyway.  They send out fundraising emails saying that if they’re reelected they’ll protect whatever rights are under attack at that moment.  Do the Democrats not understand that they are in power right now and could act right now?  Further making me wonder what the point of any of this is, outside of more fundraising.

    Anti-intellectualism is emptying out our libraries, abortion rights have been eroded, trans rights are constantly under attack and freedom from religion is withering away.  All of the talk of police reform after George Floyd’s murder has evaporated.  The cops are more out of control and lethal than ever and they suck up even more of a city’s budget than prior to 2020.  It feels like there was an over correction with policing because we all collectively challenged the cops that one time so we all have to pay the price for questioning their false authority.

    We live in the most serious of times that have been caused by and exacerbated by the most unserious of people that have somehow failed upward into positions of power.  The sick aren’t cared for.  The poor aren’t fed, clothed or sheltered.  But we can siphon off every last dollar that we have to privatizing and militarizing every aspect of our daily lives.  Fuck the doomed, there’s money to be made and tanks to be purchased for suburban precincts.

    If elected officials actually governed and listened to their constituents, there may have been some preparation already built in to protect our government from this moment.  Maybe all of the politicians that tried to overthrow our government in 2021 should have faced some actual consequences and been forcibly removed from our government.  There was no public official in a position higher than Village Idiot held accountable for January 6th and those consequences loom large because we’re about to do it all over again.

    The white liberals of the MSNBC brigade will try to shame everyone into voting for “Father Time” instead of holding to our principles, integrity and humanity by not supporting someone that is actively involved in a genocide.  I know that supporting an apartheid state is as American as apple pie so go ahead and call me unpatriotic.  There will be claims that if “Father Time” loses, the genocide will get worse.  How could a genocide get any worse by replacing one Islamophobe with another?

    I have seen way too many dead and starving people over the past several months to fall for that bullshit.  There should be no such thing as a blank check for extermination but that seems to be what’s happening.  There is no real choice in voting for someone that is perpetrating a genocide or voting for someone that wishes he was perpetrating a genocide.

    After that travesty of a debate, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed in the fact that this was the best we could do as a country.  How have we been reduced to an angry, old bigot with clear mental health issues that somehow doesn’t at least have an ankle monitor to go along with his ninety-one federal charges running against someone that is so decrepit he looks like he could be killed by one of his own really aggressive farts.

    It reminded me of the last few years of the Reagan administration when the Alzheimer’s had such a grip on him that someone had to prop him up at the podium and move his lips for him.  This is a definite case of elder abuse that is heading toward Weekend At Bernie’s territory except we’re not going to know who’s pulling “Father Time’s” strings.

    The saddest part is that a large swath of the population wants all of this to happen in some way shape or form.  They feel like they are the downtrodden because they see things getting better for someone else as a problem.  The selfish stance of “Well, I had to suffer so everyone else has to suffer too,” is such bullshit and hindering all forward progress.

    There’s also the mindset of “If everybody is not like me then fuck ‘em.”  How dare someone try to live their life in a manner in which they choose even though it has absolutely no impact on the daily lives of these small minded idiots.  I’m sorry, not all of us give a shit what the pastor at your cult of a megachurch says before he gets on the private jet that you paid for.  And I certainly don’t give a shit what some washed up podcaster has to say about anything.  Enjoy getting bilked for dick pills and underpants.

    We no longer have any great thinkers left among us that haven’t been flattened out by the threat of joblessness or jettisoned into obscurity because they wouldn’t play along with the corporate owned media.  There is a great fear of offending someone’s self proclaimed right to be stupid so mainstream media only offers up the most vanilla and coddling of opinions.  Television hosts have been mistaken for intellectuals but they’ll turn tail and run once the sponsors get nervous.

    There is no way that we are going to get out of this by continuing to vote for the mediocrity offered up to us by Capitalism posing as the two party system.  Third party candidates are always made out to look crazy and it’s not so difficult to do when one of them is a vaccine denier with a silver spoon in his mouth and a worm in his brain.

    With the recent series of horrible decisions made by the Supreme Court, this is all going to get a whole lot worse.  Unless you’re a corporation who, in the court’s eyes, somehow has more rights than the individual.  It has become evident, time and time again, that the only protected class in this country is white male Christians.  And somehow they’re the ones screaming that they’re under constant attack and being put upon.

    There are no real solutions here other than for us to take care of each other in the few ways that we can before the pigfuckers make collective action and mutual aid illegal.  All the while having a hearty gut laugh at an empire built on selfishness crumble around us.  Part of me does enjoy seeing how incredibly fucked we all are.

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