Wednesday, September 11, 2019

You Might Want To Skip This One

Disclaimer:  This one gets a little emo.  The End Of Silence by the Rollins Band came off the shelf during the writing process for this one because I had some things to work out.  You've been warned.

     After more than fifteen years of radio silence, a hand grenade from my past was lobbed into my phone from an unknown number over the course of three days.  Luckily, I have been too busy over the past few days to get caught in the hurricane of shit that this has stirred up even though I had put this all firmly in the rearview or just plain forgot most of it with the passage of time.
     Between dental procedures and other running around that I've had to do over the past week, there haven't been too many quiet moments for the wreckage to catch up with me.  I know it's there and it will eventually give me a stern talking to but for now I still have photos to edit and writing to get done so that wreckage can get in line behind grocery shopping, yard work and laundry.
     I had already come to the conclusion that I am not going to respond to this person for multiple reasons.  Mainly, I have nothing to say to someone that seemingly went out of their way to set my life on fire and then offered me kerosene to put it out.
     We were only kids in our early twenties when everything went to shit so neither one of us really had a clue as to how to act toward another human being.  And I'm not blameless in the whole thing because I know I'm not the easiest person to be around which is why I've learned to stick to myself.
     After this relationship and my experiences with the family court system from another, I've discovered that I'm alright on my own.  I need to protect myself and my mental health in order to be there for my kid.  I no longer have the time in my schedule to get spun out over a relationship that goes south.
     And after living a streamlined life out of necessity, I have learned to enjoy it.  There are moments when the loneliness creeps in but I have found that easier to deal with than the wants and needs of another adult.  That's what the Ramones are for.  Typically, I'll feel better by the time I have to flip the record over to side B.
     There was a moment a few years ago that I had wondered what this person might have been up to but that lasted for all of five seconds before the awfulness started coming back to me. “Forgive and forget” can only exist in a vacuum.  Sometimes, some good old fashioned “Go fuck yourself!!!” is needed in real world applications.
     I'm really trying to figure out what this person could possibly want from me.  I surely should not be on anyone's “The One That Got Away” pedestal which is what was communicated via text message.  Dwelling on what could have been limits forward progress and what's next.  I can't go back and don't want to go back because I have too much other stuff to get done.
     My propensity for bullshit has diminished with age so trying to play nice over coffee and some sort of catching up conversation is not something I would have the patience for.  That bridge was incinerated so I could not bring myself to give a fuck.  And I'm sure that we have both lived very different lives over the past fifteen years so it would be like speaking in two different languages.  Sitting there politely, nodding and smiling would feel insincere and dishonest so I'm not going to put myself anywhere near a situation like that.
     The most upsetting thing to me in all of this is that I don't know how to use my phone.  After the first message, I tried to block the number but I guess I did it wrong because the messages kept coming.  I should have asked a young person or queued up at the Apple store with the other coffin dodgers to figure it out.  I can hear Abe Simpson's voice in my head saying, “I'm old and don't like to be bothered.  How do I block a number on this thing?”

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