Here's the Libsyn link to episode 7: The Cazart Chronicles Podcast: Episode 7
All episodes can also be found streaming on Spotify, Apple and Amazon.
Thanks for listening.
Here's the playlist:
5. Pussy Riot~Virgin Mary, Redeem Us Of Putin~Virgin Mary, Redeem Us Of Putin
8. Savages~Husbands~Silence Yourself
14. The Stains~Pretty Girls~The Stains
Iggy Pop~Til Wrong Feels Right~Skull Ring
17. Jimmy Eat World~Bleed American~Jimmy Eat World
18. At The Drive-In~One Armed Scissor~One Armed Scissor
19. The Donnas~Little Boy~The Donnas Turn 21
Thursday~Understanding In A Car Crash~Full Collapse
Against Me!~I Was A Teenage Anarchist~White Crosses
Jawbox~Cooling Card~For Your Own Special Sweetheart
Anti-Flag~The Press Corpse~For Blood And Empire