Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Negative Thirteen At Preserving Underground On August 29, 2022
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Don't Punch The Monkey
This headline gripped my imagination almost as much as that idiot that caught a spear in the chest trying to bring Jesus and disease to an island full of indigenous people off the coast of India back in 2018.
We, as a species, have clearly learned nothing over the past three years. First, we blamed COVID on every Asian person walking down the street and now we have the great monkey fights of 2022 added on to blaming every gay person for monkeypox.
I was surprised that the monkey assaults were happening in Brazil and not right here in Pittsburgh. I could definitely see some drunken yinzer jumping the fence at the zoo to fight a gorilla when the Steelers lose instead of beating their wife. Screaming “I miss you, Ben Rapistberger!!! Fuck you and your monkeypox!!!” while being beaten into the ground and having their face torn off.
Every dipshit with a local sports radio talkshow that became an overnight epidemiologist during COVID will be cheering on everyone that gets into a fight with a monkey. All of the gambling websites will start taking bets on every facet of the fights. Which participant will throw more turds, the human or the monkey? Lets get that action going!!! There will be pay-per-view fights between random YouTubers and an orangutan. Our species is coming to an end so we may as well monetize it and squeeze out that last dollar before we shuffle off this mortal coil.
Humanity is well on its way to Planet Of The Apes-ing itself out of existence but I did not see assaulting monkeys happening this soon in the process. I had pictured more of a roving packs of wild humans with pitchforks and torches kind of scenario but we went straight to having bum fights with primates.
We live in a society that somehow came to the conclusion that pushing an Asian person in front of a subway train was an easier way to deal with COVID than wearing a piece of cloth over our faces. Violence against the LGBTQ+ community will start to tick up because monkeypox is being marketed as spreadable among gay men. As if those folks didn't have enough cultural shrapnel to dodge in order to get through their day to day, let's add this stupidity to the pile.
I can't wait for the Monkeypoliovid super virus outbreak to happen. That will be great. We can finally flush the turd of humanity from the planet.
At this point in history, I still can't believe the hubris that humanity has to think it's still in charge of the planet and can bend it to our will. All of this “Manifest Destiny” bullshit is going to kill us all. Did anybody stop to think that these diseases and pandemics are the planet's way of saying “Knock this shit off?” Maybe hollowing out the Earth while poisoning our air and water wasn't such a good idea.
If the internet and our cellphones stopped working tomorrow, going back to the hand cranked printing press and sending these posts by carrier pigeon from a mountain cave wouldn't bother me much. And I, for one, would welcome our new simian overlords with open arms.