Recently, I ended up at the suburban
coffee place again. Every time I'm there I start wondering how white
people are still a thing and haven't gone extinct from their own
stupidity yet.
I wasn't even out of the car before
some dumb ass felt like flashing their stupid in my general
direction. There was a woman on her cellphone standing in the middle
of the last available parking spot when I tried to put my car in it. I gave a polite tap on the horn which prompted her to look up at me
and then go back to her conversation without moving.
I then laid on the horn to similarly
disinterested results. Winding down the window and yelling “WHY
YOU, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!” as loudly as I could finally got the
desired response as she then trundled off into the night.
For the life of me, I can't think of
any reason why it should take this much effort to operate out of
doors. Why would someone even think to stand in a parking space and
then look at me like I'm the asshole when I try to park in it? Incidents like this only seem to occur to me when I head toward the
more affluent areas around town. Does having money make people
forget how to not be fucking morons? Does it provide some level of
entitlement that the rest of us have to suffer through? And it
didn't get any better when I walked into the coffee place.
Apparently, there was a PTA meeting at
the nearby school that had just let out and a group of parents felt
they needed to go for coffee to bitch about the goings on at the
meeting at a very loud volume. The few of us that weren't there to
whine about volleyball uniforms or whatever the fuck were huddled in
the front corner trying to avoid the endless verbal onslaught. Even
the employees were trying to duck these assholes. The volume on my
headphones could barely counter the sound without making my ears
What the fuck is wrong with these
people? I was stuck in line behind all of them while they were
trying to order their overly complicated drinks. They would forget
what they were ordering while attempting to continue their
conversation so they would then yell the rest of their order at the
barista who was already in the middle of making their drinks and had
to start over.
There was a visible sign of relief on
the face of the employee at the register when I ordered a large
coffee and handed over exact change plus a dollar tip. Luckily,
these assholes cleared out after about twenty minutes but the respite
did not last long.
A few minutes after the PTA fuckers
left, some idiot came in and started having a conversation over
Facetime at the top of his lungs. Maybe we shouldn't slam the breaks
on this whole climate change thing. Maybe we should do our best to
speed it up and end humanity as quickly as we possibly can. People
are awful.
That's why I don't attend many school
functions or hang out with other parents or other humans in general. They are an irritating, needy and entitled bunch of dumb animals that
are easily susceptible to bullshit.
This gives me a new appreciation for
the group of musicians, artists and all around weirdos that I have
slowly come to befriend of late. They also seem unwilling or unable
to relate to a large portion of the world around us. It is extremely
freeing to not give a shit about more than half the nonsense that
“normal” people get twisted up about.
I constantly feel like Guy Montag in
Fahrenheit 451 when he's
riding the subway and is being bombarded by advertisements to the
point of having a breakdown. Distractions punching me in the brain
in an attempt to chase away any possibility of a moment of thought
and introspection. No wonder critical thinking skills are going to
shit. Who needs to think when the powers that be need you to know
when Dancing With The Stars
or some equally terrible programming is on.
Our surroundings
have been pressurized with content in an effort to have us all
conform to the aspiration of being a good little consumer. Get in
line to hand over your hard earned or you will be forced to with or
without your knowledge or consent.
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